Frank's story

Frank Wilson

Before working with NGS Crypto, Frank felt he had no hope of being able to retire and pay off his home in Sydney. After doubling his Super balance in under 3 years, he now plans to retire this year on $5000 a month.

His Key Takeaway:

I’ve doubled my super in one and a half years almost…I can retire now. Now I’m sitting back going, “S**t, at the end of the year, at 61 years of age, I can retire because of you’ guys.” You’ guys made this happen. Like, there was no way I was ever going to retire unless I was 85 or something trying to pay off a house.”

Why were you unsure or sceptical about NGS Crypto?

The skeptic little bit was I didn’t understand how it worked at the end of the day…I had chance in the world. I got me twin brother to come over and he had and look and he goes, “Well, I don’t know, brother. I don’t know. I don’t know.”

And then when me twin brother come over and he’d done all the research and whatever, and he said to me, “Oh, they’re just a bunch of blokes who got together and who are doing this, and this is the way they’ve set it up.” 

What ultimately made you decide to get involved with NGS Crypto?

I said to him, I said, “Look,” I said, “I’ve done the math.” He goes, “Yeah, I know what you’re like. Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I said, “I’ve done the maths. I’m going to do a $2,000 pack.” 

I’ve been divorced twice, so I’ve lost everything twice. So I thought, “Okay.” I had 100 and something thousand in super. Like, I’m 61 years of age, right? Now, for somebody to try at my age to try and get super to retire at, there is no hope in the world. So anyway, I thought I’d try the $2,000 startup pack…

What specific benefits have you found?

now, when it comes up on your phone every night at 8:00 on how may dividends you got, that’s the best thing because people saying, “Oh, I just earned that and I didn’t do anything.” I mean, you can hear your phone going off, I’m going, “Oh, I just got paid.” That’s the best thing ever.

Transfer some more money over to yous guys, and it worked out to that I’m going to be earning $5,000 a month doing nothing. I’m going to be earning more after I retire than what I am working. That’s because of yous guys. The $165,000 one in my super, I think I’ve made 150-

Who would you recommend this for and why?

… in one and a half years. I’ve doubled my super in one and a half years almost. I started off with 2,000 and then I’d done my super 165,000. So 167,000, when I’ve added it all together, I’ve got 570,000 all up just from that 167,000. You put $10,000 and the bank’s not going to give you your $1.48 a day, they’re going to give you $1.48 every quarter on that $10,000, only.

We’re getting $1.48 every day over seven days, for what? Sitting on your ass doing nothing, isn’t it? More or less.

So that’s what people don’t look at. They look at, “Oh, it’s 12%, or maybe 8%, 12%, 14% max.” I said, “What’s the bank going to give you?” You have that $10,000 in the bank, you’re going to have that $10,000 in the bank for five years, what are going to get in interest? $5, $6 max.” You know what I mean? People say [inaudible] better buying houses. I said, “No, no. This is the way to go.”

Full Transcript

The way it’s worked for me, I started after 2001. Then I’d done my super, then I’d done a 10,000, then I think I got a 35,000 and a couple more.

What that’s done now is helped me for my retirement, I can retire now. Now I’m sitting back going, “S***, at the end of the year, at 61 years of age, I can retire because of yous guys.” Yous guys made this happen. Like, there was no way I was ever going to retire unless I was 85 or something trying to pay off a house. You know what I mean?

I would’ve had no hope in the world, I would’ve had to go and move to either Thailand, my wife, my new wife now, she’s Pilipino, I would’ve had to go and move there, sold the house that I got, go and move there knowing that I’d never come back and live here in Australia because I couldn’t afford it. But now I can.

I’ve been divorced twice, so I’ve lost everything twice. So I thought, “Okay.” I had 100 and something thousand in super. Like, I’m 61 years of age, right? Now, for somebody to try at my age to try and get super to retire at, there is no hope in the world.

So anyway, I thought I’d try the $2,000 startup pack, the first off, to see how it’d get, and when I seen the dividends starting to come and how it all worked, and it took me a bit to work out how to go from there to put it into CoinSpot, and then from CoinSpot into my banking account. But once you sort all that out, it’s not so bad.

So then what I did is I transferred all me super over. I had no chance of retiring until I was 85, I had chance in the world. I got me twin brother to come over and he had and look and he goes, “Well, I don’t know, brother. I don’t know. I don’t know.” I said to him, I said, “Look,” I said, “I’ve done the math.” He goes, “Yeah, I know what you’re like. Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I said, “I’ve done the maths. I’m going to do a $2,000 loan.”

He goes, “Don’t do it. Don’t do it.” I says, “I’m going to do it anyway.” And then when me twin brother come over and he’d done all the research and whatever, and he said to me, “Oh, they’re just a bunch of blokes who got together and who are doing this, and this is the way they’ve set it up.” And I’m going, “Well, I’m going to try it anyway.” And he kept on telling me not to do it. But I’m glad that I did.

The skeptic little bit was I didn’t understand how it worked at the end of the day. But now, when it comes up on your phone every night at 8:00 on how may dividends you got, that’s the best thing because people saying, “Oh, I just earned that and I didn’t do anything.” I mean, you can hear your phone going off, I’m going, “Oh, I just got paid.” That’s the best thing ever.

Transfer some more money over to yous guys, and it worked out to that I’m going to be earning $5,000 a month doing nothing. I’m going to be earning more after I retire than what I am working. That’s because of yous guys. The $165,000 one in my super, I think I’ve made 150(k)-… in one and a half years.

I’ve doubled my super in one and a half years almost. I started off with 2,000 and then I’d done my super 165,000. So 167,000, when I’ve added it all together, I’ve got 570,000 all up just from that 167,000. You put $10,000 and the bank’s not going to give you your $1.48 a day, they’re going to give you $1.48 every quarter on that $10,000, only. Yeah.

We’re getting $1.48 every day over seven days, for what? Sitting on your ass doing nothing, isn’t it? More or less.

Yeah.So that’s what people don’t look at. They look at, “Oh, it’s 12%, or maybe 8%, 12%, 14% max.” I said, “What’s the bank going to give you?” You have that $10,000 in the bank, you’re going to have that $10,000 in the bank for five years, what are going to get in interest? $5, $6 max.” You know what I mean? People say better buying houses. I said, “No, no. This is the way to go.”

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